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Re: strange phenomena on potato

On Thu 19 Aug 1999, Christopher C Chimelis wrote:
> > - the alignment trap from identd is back (that was fixed, I'm sure).
> >   Ah yes, I had fixed it in 3.07-7.1.slink.1, this is from the changelog
> >   I did then:
> >   * non-maintainer fix reimplemented YET AGAIN (see bug #30366).
> >     Doing a sourceful NMU this time.
> >   * changed the version numbering as otherwise it was considered a
> >     downgrade; there was already a nonmaintainer upload due to the above,
> >     and apparently 3.07-7slink.1 < 3.07-7.1
> >   Looks like time for another sourceful NMU (current version is 3.07-7.2)
> I noticed this the other day.  Shall I rebuild it or do you want to?

It seems I may not have much time in the near future; my ISDN line to my
home is dead, and as I'm not there mon-fri I don't know whether there's
just a telco problem, or whether I have more damage at home (apparently
a heavy thunderstorm passed over Monday night). I'm going home this
evening to check things out. Otherwise I would have done it tonight.

> > - the `file' command sometimes gives "lseek: invalid argument". However,
> >   I can't reproduce this now... `strace' showed that it was passing some
> >   gigantic number as the offset.
> That's odd.  I never had this happen.

I'll try to keep an eye out for this. Damn elusive :-)

> Well, right now, the autobuilder is down due to some connectivity problems
> that John is having apparently, so the list is once again free game.  I've
> been building around 40-50 packages a day, though, so it should be in
> decent shape.  There's quite a bit of work still left, though, since alot
> of the packages have problems with the new gcc/g++.

Any suggestions on what I could concentrate on? Anything that won't
build due to non-portable programming that I could tackle?


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