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Re: strange phenomena on potato

On Thu, 19 Aug 1999, Paul Slootman wrote:

> It seems I may not have much time in the near future; my ISDN line to my
> home is dead, and as I'm not there mon-fri I don't know whether there's
> just a telco problem, or whether I have more damage at home (apparently
> a heavy thunderstorm passed over Monday night). I'm going home this
> evening to check things out. Otherwise I would have done it tonight.

I'll deal with it today, then.  Is there a patch in the BTS or should I
use the old one that I made ages ago?

> I'll try to keep an eye out for this. Damn elusive :-)

Let me know...it does sound incredibly strange.

> Any suggestions on what I could concentrate on? Anything that won't
> build due to non-portable programming that I could tackle?

Have a go at jade if you feel up to it.  It has some C++ problems that I
just don't have the patience to track down.  It looks simple enough, but
without the time to delve into that monster, I don't dare start.

I'll think of some others today, I'm sure :-)


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