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strange phenomena on potato

Since I have a working 2.2 kernel (and hence a working potato [hmm, that
sounds strange :-] ), I've been trying a couple of things last night.

- the `man' command seems to sleep about 3-5 seconds before displaying
  anything. In fact, `strace' shows that there is an explicit delay of 1
  second, implemented by a select() call without any FDs to check for
  (this indicates that it's not waiting for anything, it is really an
  explicit sleep).  My research indicates that this probably happens in
  gdbm_close() (in libc?). I don't have the libc sources handy (hi Chris!)
  so I couldn't verify this. libc and man-db 2.3.10-69i.

- the alignment trap from identd is back (that was fixed, I'm sure).
  Ah yes, I had fixed it in 3.07-7.1.slink.1, this is from the changelog
  I did then:
  * non-maintainer fix reimplemented YET AGAIN (see bug #30366).
    Doing a sourceful NMU this time.
  * changed the version numbering as otherwise it was considered a
    downgrade; there was already a nonmaintainer upload due to the above,
    and apparently 3.07-7slink.1 < 3.07-7.1
  Looks like time for another sourceful NMU (current version is 3.07-7.2)

- the `file' command sometimes gives "lseek: invalid argument". However,
  I can't reproduce this now... `strace' showed that it was passing some
  gigantic number as the offset.

Besides these it actually all looks pretty good ;-)

BTW: I haven't been paying that much attention to the build process
lately. I gather there's now an autobuilder? How does one proceed when
wanting to attack the diff list?

Paul Slootman
home:       paul@wurtel.demon.nl http://www.wurtel.demon.nl/
work:       paul@murphy.nl       http://www.murphy.nl/
debian:     paul@debian.org      http://www.debian.org/
isdn4linux: paul@isdn4linux.de   http://www.isdn4linux.de/

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