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Compiling packages automatically

I wrote a trivial script to run through a mirror of the
Debian source archive (just hamm/hamm/source, at the moment,
no non-free or contrib stuff). Uses fakeroot. Works fairly
well, but fails to compile about half of the packages. Some
of the failures are due to problems with the system (a clean
re-install is due next week, so I didn't bother to fix the
system), and some are due to problems with the packages.

The script has now tried to compile about 650 packages
(287 successful, 355 not). I started about 24 hours ago,
and would've come much further, but some packages stop the
script. For example, a few packages use su in debian/rules
when doing commands that require root priviledges, and su
wants to ask a password. Thus, the script didn't get very
far while I was sleeping and attending a party.

This is just a status report. I'll tell more when I have
more to tell.

However, a question: Given that even after I correct the
problems that are due to the local environment, there will
still be hundreds of packages with problems, and I won't
have time to check them all. My script saves the stdout and
stderr of the dpkg-buildpackage command and these need to be
analyzed, and then problems in the package (or my build
environment, or whatever) need to be fixed, and then bug
reports filed on the packages. Would anyone be willing to
help with this?

(665 packages processed now :)

(No, 671 :)

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