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Re: RFS: rocdbgapi/5.7.1-1~exp1 [ITP] -- AMD GPU debugger support

Hi Cory,

On 2024-02-20 09:30, Cordell Bloor wrote:
> I've scheduled some time to learn sbuild or pbuilder in March. The lack
> of a chroot in my build process is definitely a weakness of mine at the
> moment. I use docker, but it's not quite the same.

sbuild supports a few chroot modes. One of them is autopkgtest, meaning
sbuild can use any of package its virtualization providers [1], among
them docker which you like to use:

# Create an image, will be tagged 'autopkgtest/debian:unstable'
$ autopkgtest-build-docker -m <fast_mirror>

# Magic sbuild incantation to make use of the image
$ sbuild --chroot-mode=autopkgtest --autopkgtest-virt-server=docker --autopkgtest-virt-server-opt autopkgtest/debian:unstable --dist unstable <name-or-dsc>

Personally, I do primary development in a regular, interactive
container, and use sbuild as Q prior to uploads.


[1] There's a subtle bug in the sbuild<->autopkgtest bridge that breaks
podman, unfortunately. #1033352

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