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Re: rocprim and rocthrust copyright review

Hi Cory,

Étienne Mollier, on 2022-10-13:
> Cordell Bloor, on 2022-10-13:
> > I'm not sure if Debian has explicit rules about who can do the copyright
> > review, but I don't feel comfortable doing it myself. If someone would be
> > willing to review those two packages, it would be appreciated!
> Anyone can write and review a d/copyright file.  Historically it
> has been a free form text, but nowadays there is a standard DEP5
> copyright 1.0 file format[1] which you can try to wrap up if you
> like.

I prepared a d/copyright file for rocprim and pushed on Salsa.
There are several tools to proceed to the review: decopy,
scan-copyrights, licensecheck.  They may behave slightly
differently but mostly do the same thing.  I personally mostly
use scan-copyrights to bootstrap my entries, but I can't really
tell you which tool is the best, you may have to pick a few ones
and give them a try.  In any case, once filled with automated
information, I try to crunch the result to make it more easy for
humans to read, and manually check every files for copyright

To this end, the two commands below are of great help to me,
they sometimes help me to spot things that other automated tools
fail to catch:

	$ find -iname '*copyright*' -or -iname '*licen*e*' -or -iname '*author*'
	$ grep -Eir 'copyright|©|licen[cs]e' * | less -R

Especially with less, there is a trick: I "paint" common terms
grepped in every files using / for doing pattern matching.  This
way I can scroll through the listing and search for anomalies,
i.e. unpainted lines.  Maybe try this on rocthrust and see how
it goes.

In hope this helps,
Étienne Mollier <emollier@emlwks999.eu>
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