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Re: Fenrir 1.9.2 Released

Howdy Joe,

Any hint on how I would use it on Windows?
i was not able to try but in theorie it should be possible with small changes in terminal emulation mode since i use pyte to emulate the terminal and this works on all VT100 Terminals.
a good way could be this:
1. install all dependecys (for windows it just is python3, pyte, espeak (speech), sox (soundicons)) 2. install bash ( not sure about powershell here, could be worth a try if the basic issues out of the way)
3. get the path of espeak and add it to the generic speech command in config
4. fire up "./fenrir -e" in bash
fenrir should spawn an ne bash instance with itself in the middle to grab the information

if it works and we fixed the issues we can provide a settings file for windows and and small howto.

Any reason why you have file name separated with spaces in the repo (with CLI/Git I would use '-' instead of spaces for 'file' name)?
hmm no reason for real, but it also was no issue currently. i can change the ToDo list file and the release notes/ play zone folders to remove the space. thats the only places is see.

cheers chrys

Zitat von john doe <johndoe65534@mail.com>:

On 7/17/2018 9:09 PM, chrys@linux-a11y.org wrote:
Howdy Devin,

Ok thanks for the info :).  Like noticed i do what i can :)..
You own an mac?this is interesting to me sine fenrir should run on mac in pty mode as well. Sadly i dont own an mac. But i want to wire up fenrir for mac. I wonder if you would help me to wire up fenrir for mac? I will fix needed issues but i need ia tester here :). It should also run on windows what i do not own ( of course on cli only)

I have cloned your repo using Cygwin.
Any hint on how I would use it on Windows?

When time allows I will try it on Debian 9.

Any reason why you have file name separated with spaces in the repo (with CLI/Git I would use '-' instead of spaces for 'file' name)?

John Doe

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