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Re: need audio feedback for both USB and regular keyboards

rberger@sympatico.ca writes:

> Hi,  I' m looking for a way I can get some audio feedback from both
> the regular keyboard on my laptop and an external USB keyboard. The
> issue is hand finger dexterity due to CP.  The noisier the keyboard
> the better, in fact the Teletype 33 had one the best keyboard I've
> ever used, but that's a few decades ago.
> Right now I'm just looking for a quick fix that just generates any
> noise when the key is pressed.  Later I'd like to look at unique key
> signatures and something for the key press and key release, as well as
> other things.

If what is provided via accessibility in graphical environments is not
enough for you (if you need this in the text console as well), it
should be relatively simple to program such a tool for the
Linux kernel input layer system.  Let us know if the solution you have
been given is not enough, such a program should be
written in a few lines of C code, and it will work with any
kind of input device you might want to use.

  Mario | Debian Developer <URL:http://debian.org/>
  .''`. | Get my public key via finger mlang@db.debian.org
 : :' : | 1024D/7FC1A0854909BCCDBE6C102DDFFC022A6B113E44
 `. `'
   `-      <URL:http://delysid.org/>  <URL:http://www.staff.tugraz.at/mlang/>

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