Re: linux-image-2.6-17-mac tries
On 11/11/06, Laurent Vivier <> wrote:
Hi Brian,
I know the question was not for me...
I tried to make a bootable debian testing CDROM thus with 2.6.17 kernel.
When I boot on my Q800 this kernel crashes when it tries to mount ramdisk.
actually i don't if anyone has use ramdisk with 2.6.17 for installer at all ?
and we are not using ramdisk for regular booting either, yet.
on old world power mac i have sometimes problems with the bootx bootloader
which are helped by using the quik bootloader. (bootx is like penguin and
quik is like emile). supposedly the booting in macos can leave some things
hanging around not friendly to linux. anyway it clears up some problems
relating to hardware on some machines (but others actually need the leftover
someway, that is ATI video).
never mind installer, booting a problem in etch anyway, but quik also has
problems with ramdisk which have been fixed and regressed several times
in the past few years (currently broken in etch, but good in 2.6.8 at least).
anyway i think it is better if people could boot with emile even if they
can't install yet with it as it might, sometimes help possibly, and it
is always good to have some alternative to see if it might.
possibly though once module and ramdisk support is put back in it
would be easier to get help develop and maintain kernel, especially
device drivers issues but then need for ramdisk again ???
Le 11 nov. 06 à 08:11, Brian Morris a écrit :
On such system I hade install emile - from my bootable cdrom - and now
Debian can boot himself directily from his disk - no more need of useing
of Penguin -.
you are using emile then with 2.6 kernel ?
can you tell if the system is any more stable, or any issues improve ?
(be sure to update when the new build comes through)
can you try 2.6.18 from unstable ? I never did get 17 to work at all
for me, because of disk driver problems (my quadra630 has ide and
my macII has an older scsi controller.
how are you connecting when you use ethernet, do you have a local
hub or switch. have you tried directly connecting two linux boxes with
a cross-over cable (anybody), this forces a simpler half-duplex connection.
(although on my newer machines full duplex is faster with these i have
not seen it, and it may be more stable. at least the one time i tried to
use the hub was the one time i got a crash after about 1 hour uptime)
May I help ?
Any comments?
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---------------------- Laurent Vivier ----------------------
"Imagination is more important than knowledge."
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