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Creation of #debian-68k on irc.debian.org (OFTC)

Hi there,

After discussing it on #debian-devel with Wouter, I propose the
creation of #debian-68k on irc.oftc.net for interested people, both
developers and users, DD and non-DD. Feel free to join!

I intend to work on the Coldfire port with other porters as soon as
Sven lends me his board at the RMLL <http://www.rmll.info/>. If all
goes well, I will buy one myself later. :)

I think you are all aware the m68k port can be dropped for etch
if nothing is done to speed up m68k buildd network at least, but
unfortunately, not at last. Though, I do not know for sure whether
we still need kernels 2.2 and 2.4 for m68k: kernel 2.6 works well on
my Quadra950 and on a friend's Quadra940AV. However, it seems there
is some toolchain work needed from what I read on that list.

((__,-"""-,__))  Aurélien GÉRÔME           .---.
 `--)~   ~(--`   Free Software Developer  /     \
.-'(       )`-.  Unix Sys & Net Admin     \.@-@./
`~~`@)   (@`~~`                           /`\_/`\
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    |     |           : :'  :           | \     )|_
    (8___8)           `. `'`           /`\_`>  <_/ \
     `---`              `-             \__/'---'\__/
BOFH excuse #106: The electrician didn't know what the yellow cable
was so he yanked the ethernet out.

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