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Re: Linux Install booter problems

On Fri, Jan 24, 2003 at 10:05:24PM -0600, John Steven Sobtzak wrote:
> >You must be using the potato installer? The woody installer's
> >kernel file is named linux.bin, and uses Penguin-19.
> >With only 12MB of memory, you're better off using potato
> >anyway. that might not be enough for woody.
>  Correct, I am using the potato version due to HD space limits (I'm not 
> looking for the latest and greatest) along with the Penguin-18 installer 
> and 2.2.17 kernel (linux, no .bin extension.

Not (yet) a mac person here, but why don't you try Penguin-19 with your
potato kernel? Or maybe even the kernel from the woody macinstall.tar.gz.
Keep using the potato root.bin if you are so tight on memory. I read
somewhere that Penguin-19 fixes some problems, I'd give it a shot.


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