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06-Apr-2001: Klaus Burkert died

Please hold on for a minute, those who haven't already heard... 

--- schnipp http://www.amiga-news.de/news/de/AN-2001-04-00077-DE.html ---

 06-Apr-2001: Klaus Burkert verstorben

Klaus Burkert, bekannt für hervorragende Amiga Hard- und Softwareentwicklung
ist vorgestern an einem Herzinfarkt gestorben.

Unser aufrichtiges Beileid gilt der Familie und den Freunden. Mögen sie die
Kraft aufbringen, diesen unersetzlichen Verlust zu verschmerzen.

[Klaus Burkert, known for his excellent Amiga Hard- and Software-development
(AriadneI & II, PicassoII & IV, MacPicasso), deceased to a heart attack on
April 4th 2001. (-ij-)]

Posted on the offical P96 Mailinglist: "Silence, I just want to inform you
guys out there that yesterday, after a major heart attack on monday, one of
the greatest developers of Amiga hard- and software who was my best friend
and mentor Klaus Burkert has died. It was a really big shock for me and so
it will be for others. I don't know what else to say, there are not really
words to fit the situation... Bye Klaus, cu on the other side" - Tobias

Quelle: CyberGraphX[1]


Links im Dokument:

[1] http://www.vgr.com/cybergfx

--- schnapp ---

With Klaus the Amiga community has lost a very special person. He was more
or less involved in developing/porting drivers for Ariadne ethernet cards
and Picasso graphic cards as well to Linux as (mainly) to NetBSD. 

Those of you who knew him and were lucky to met Klaus, especially in private
or one of the numerous meetings he attended, will miss him for sure, so as I
do, but he won't be forgotten!

Ciao...                    // PowerAnimator & Maya Operator
      Ingo               \X/  To boldly design where noone designed before!

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