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Problem with pump in 2.2 installation setup


I managed to get past my system (A3000) problems and tried to do an
installation on a 230MB removable Syquest. It mostly finished, but ran
out of disk space on the reboot. I figured the disk was just too small
for a simple installtion. Well, I have now tried again with my
reinstalled 1GB disk. I'm giving root 450MB to hopefully avoid the space
issue. During the setup of the networking, I was switching VCs and
noticed a lot of debug messages from pump. Checking around the system, I
found the /var/log/messages file in the root ramdisk growing at an
alarming rate. It looks like whoever supplied the /sbin/pump program on
the ramdisk left in some debug statements that continously generate
messages, which probably lead to my original installations filled disk.
Here is a sample of the messages:

<date> (none) daemon.debug pumpd[<pid>]: breq: .....
<date> (none) daemon.debug pumpd[<pid>]: bresp: .....

There are also a few daemon.info and user.notice messages mixed in which
I assume would be the normal messages about the state of the DHCP
connection. Other than this issue with the debugging messages, the DHCP
network connection works just fine. However, some more checking has
revealed that pump appears to be continuously renewing the lease. So
there may be more than one problem with the supplied pump. How do we go
about fixing this?

Alan Bair

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