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install, XF86Config and co.

Hi all.

I have recently bought a debian 2.1 dist form linuxcentral. When installing I
found some problems. First occured when I have chosen "multi_cd" as a method
of installation. When dselect went to actual installation it cried that the
"available" file was not found in (here came the path it was looking for) The
path ended with "/methods/multi_cd/". I found the freshly updated "available"
file two levels up in the tree so I made a softlink to it and placed it in the
proper dir. Being a seasoned unixalike systems user (IRIX, NetBSD) i could do
it in moment but still it is not what a user should expect (especially a
novice one). The question is: Whom should I report the problem?

The second problem occured with ppp setup. After editing the relevant files, I
got informed that "the ppp module is not loaded", although it has been loaded
"or the kernel is not configured to use ppp"

I must say that I don't know how to "configure the kernel to use ppp" Any
clues? The kernel is the default 2.0.36 one form the dist.

The third problem is the XF86Config file. After installing all the necessary
packages, it happened to me that there is still _NO_ XF86Config file on my
harddrive. Not even a skeleton to reconfigure. Digging the mans to create my
own from scratch is probably not the best way to get the X running. Can a
helpful soul send me his/her own xconfigfile or tell me where to look for a
default skeleton?


      / /
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    / /  silverdr@wfmh.org.pl
\ \/ /

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