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RE: how to make screenshots of the installation process?


>Is there a way to snapshot the text console to a bitmap picture? I
>want to snapshot some /usr/sbin/dinstall screens. I know on the Amiga
>the text console isnt anything more than a graphics screen which
>theoretically could be saved if one has its address, but I do not know
>if there is a legal way to get it, and if that would be an easy task
>to get access to this memory and save it to a picture. IMHO that might
>be to complicated to get it done within this week, which is deadline
>for my article.

It's easy to grab the screen contents: cat /dev/fb0current > screen.dump
(will capture the shell window, so put it into a shell script that waits
10 secs, beeps, dumps the screen, beeps again). 

But you'll have to write your own tool to convert the raw data into any 
recognized graphics format. It's just a copy of the screen memory in 
whatever pixel organization your machine uses (packed pixel, interleaved
planes, whatever).

>My other thought is snapping the text contents and redisplay it in an
>xterm window afterwards that I then snapshot with an X11 tool or just
>start the dinstall script into an xterm window from an existing linux
>system. Which command could I use for snapshotting? (I seem to
>remember something like xwd or such...)

Why the X tool?? Don't make dinstall look like X :-) 
You get the text as opposed to the graphics version by cat /dev/vcs1 > text.lis
(no need to fool with selection).

I don't know how text attributes like bold or inverse are preserved that way
but there should be a way to handle that. Other than that, it doesn't get
much easier :-)


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