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Re: how to make screenshots of the installation process?


> Hi,
> >Is there a way to snapshot the text console to a bitmap picture? I
> >want to snapshot some /usr/sbin/dinstall screens. I know on the Amiga
> >the text console isnt anything more than a graphics screen which
> >theoretically could be saved if one has its address, but I do not know
> >if there is a legal way to get it, and if that would be an easy task
> >to get access to this memory and save it to a picture. IMHO that might
> >be to complicated to get it done within this week, which is deadline
> >for my article.

I had the same problem. The text below should contain most screens in
an asci b/w view. Also some http representations of them are on my
homepage (http://debian-m68k.home.pages.de) in the Walkthrough (which
still isn' t finished)

May the Source be with you.
------------------[ cut ]---------------------------------------------

Amiga OS

> amiboot5.6 -k vmlinux-2.0.29 -r root.bin root=/dev/ram video=vga


 Debian GNU/Linux System Installation

 +------------------- Select Color or Monochrome -------------------+
 | If your monitor displays color, please select Color here. Select |
 | Continue when you are satisfied with the display.                |
 | +--------------------------------------------------------------+ |
 | |         Next        Continue with the installation.          | |
 | |         Color       Select color display.                    | |
 | |         Monochrome  Select black-and-white display.          | |
 | +--------------------------------------------------------------+ |
 |                      <  OK  >      <Cancel>                      |


 Debian GNU/Linux System Installation
 +-------------------------- Release Notes ---------------------------------+
 |             Software in the Public Interest                              |
 |                       presents                                           |
 |              *** Debian GNU/Linux 1.3 ***                                |
 |                                                                          |
 | This is the Debian Rescue floppy. Keep it once you have installed        |
 | your system, as you can boot from it to repair the system on your        |
 | hard disk if that ever becomes neccessary.                               |
 |                                                                          |
 | Release Note: This floppy was built on June 19, 1997 by root             |
 |                                                                          |
 | Please be sure to visit the Debian WWW site: http://www.debian.org/      |
 |                                                                          |
 | Debian's developers are more than 130 unpaid volunteers from all         |
 | around the world, collaborating via the Internet. We have formed the     |
 | non-profit organization "Software in the Public Interes" to sponsor      |
 | this developement. We'd like to thank the many businesses, universities, |
 | and individuals who contributed the free software upon which Debian is   |
 | based. The Free Software Foundation should also be recognised for the    |
 | many programs they have contributed and for their pioneering role in     |
 | developing the free software concept and the GNU project.                |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                < EXIT >                                  |


 Debian GNU/Linux System Installation

         +----------------------- Please Wait -----------------------+
         | The installation program is determining the current state |
         | of your system and the next installation step that should |
         | be performed.                                             |


 Debian GNU/Linux System Installation

 +------------ Debian GNU/Linux Installation Main Menu -------------+
 |  Your keyboard has not yet been configured.                      |
 | Please select "Next" from the menu to configure the keyboard.    |
 | +--------------------------------------------------------------+ |
 | | Next       Configure the keyboard                            | |
 | | Alternate  Partition Hard Disk                               | |
 | |                                                              | |
 | | A          Configure the Keyboard                            | |
 | | B          Partition a Hard Disk                             | |
 | | C          Initialize and Activate a Swap Partition          | |
 | | D          Activate a Previously-Initialized Swap Partition  | |
 | | E          Do Without a Swap Partition                       | |
 | | F          Initialize a Linux Partition                      | |
 | | G          Mount a Previously-Initialized Partition          | |
 | | H          Un-Mount a Partition                              | |
 | | I          Install Operating System Kernel and Modules       | |
 | | J          Install the Base System                           | |
 | | L          Configure Device Driver Modules                   | |
 | | M          Configure the Base System                         | |
 | | N          Configure the Network                             | |
 | | O          Make Linux Bootable Directly From Hard Disk       | |
 | | P          Make a Boot Floppy                                | |
 | | Q          Reboot The System                                 | |
 | | R          View the Partition Table                          | |
 | | S          Execute a Shell                                   | |
 | +--------------------------------------------------------------+ |
 |                      <  OK  >      <Cancel>                      |


 Debian GNU/Linux System Installation

        +----------------------- Select Keyboard -------------------+
        | Please select a keyboard. If you don't find the exact     |
        | right choise below, please choose something close. You'll |
        | be able to configure more keyboard choises once you       |
        | install the system.                                       |
        | +-------------------------------------------------------+ |
        | |       amiga-us         U.S. English (amiga)           | |
        | |       amiga-de         German (amiga)                 | |
        | |       atari-us         U.S. English (atari)           | |
        | |       atari-de         German (atari)                 | |
        | |       atari-se         Sweden (atari)                 | |
        | |       atari-uk-falcon  English for Atari Faklcon      | |
        | +-------------------------------------------------------+ |
        |                  <  OK  >      <Cancel>                   |


 Debian GNU/Linux System Installation

 +------------ Debian GNU/Linux Installation Main Menu -------------+
 |  There are no "Linux swap" partitions present on the system. A   |
 | swap partition is necessary to provide virtual memory for        |
 | Linux. Please select "Next" from the menu to partition your hard |
 | disk. Use the partitioning program to add "Linux native" and     |
 | "Linux swap" partitions to your disk.                            |
 | +--------------------------------------------------------------+ |
 | | Next       Partition a Hard Disk                             | |
 | | Alternate  Do Without a Swap partition                       | |
 | |                                                              | |
 | | A          Configure the Keyboard                            | |
 | | B          Partition a Hard Disk                             | |
 | | C          Initialize and Activate a Swap Partition          | |
 | | D          Activate a Previously-Initialized Swap Partition  | |
 | | E          Do Without a Swap Partition                       | |
 | | F          Initialize a Linux Partition                      | |
 | | G          Mount a Previously-Initialized Partition          | |
 | | H          Un-Mount a Partition                              | |
 | | I          Install Operating System Kernel and Modules       | |
 | | J          Install the Base System                           | |
 | | L          Configure Device Driver Modules                   | |
 | | M          Configure the Base System                         | |
 | | N          Configure the Network                             | |
 | | O          Make Linux Bootable Directly From Hard Disk       | |
 | | P          Make a Boot Floppy                                | |
 | | Q          Reboot The System                                 | |
 | | R          View the Partition Table                          | |
 | | S          Execute a Shell                                   | |
 | +--------------------------------------------------------------+ |
 |                      <  OK  >      <Cancel>                      |


 Debian GNU/Linux System Installation

   +------------------------ Select Disk Drive -------------------------+
   | Select the drive to partition. SCSI drives are listed in disk ID   |
   | number order. Only drives that were connected and operating when   |
   | the system was stated will show up on this display. CD-ROM drivers |
   | may be mis-identified as writable disk drives by this menu.        |
   | +----------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   | |             /dev/sda  Lowest-numbered SCSI drive.              | |
   | +----------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   |                       <  OK  >      <Cancel>                       |

Command (m for help): <t> (partition) (Linux native/swap)
   Device  Boot Mount   Begin      End     Size   Pri   BBlks    System
/dev/sda1    *    *         2       63    83080     1      0  0x444F5303 = DOS\3Amiga FFS Int.
/dev/sda2         *        64      127    85760     0      0  0x4C4E5800 = LNX\0Linux native
/dev/sda3         *       128      191    85760     0      0  0x53575000 = SWP\0Linux swap



 Debian GNU/Linux System Installation

 +------------ Debian GNU/Linux Installation Main Menu ----------------+
 | There are "linux native" and "Linux swap" partitions                |
 | present on your system. The next step would be to initialize        |
 | and activate a swap partition to provide virtual memory to your     |
 | system. If you have not finished partitioning your disk or whish to |
 | change the partitions, please select "previous" from the menu       |
 | to partition them. If you are satisfied with your partitions,       |
 | please select "Next" from the menu to initialize and activate       |
 | your swap partition, or "Alternate" to activate a                   |
 | previously-initialized swap partition. If you absolutely insist on  |
 | doing without a swap partition, select "Alternate1".                |
 | +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ |
 | | Next       Initialize and Activate the Swap Partition           | |
 | | Alternate  Activate a previously-Initialized Swap Partiton      | |
 | | Alternate1 Do Without a Swap Partition                          | |
 | | Previous   Partition a Hard Disk                                | |
 | |                                                                 | |
 | | A          Configure the Keyboard                               | |
 | | B          Partition a Hard Disk                                | |
 | | C          Initialize and Activate a Swap Partition             | |
 | | D          Activate a Previously-Initialized Swap Partition     | |
 | | E          Do Without a Swap Partition                          | |
 | | F          Initialize a Linux Partition                         | |
 | | G          Mount a Previously-Initialized Partition             | |
 | | H          Un-Mount a Partition                                 | |
 | | I          Install Operating System Kernel and Modules          | |
 | | J          Install the Base System                              | |
 | | L          Configure Device Driver Modules                      | |
 | | M          Configure the Base System                            | |
 | | N          Configure the Network                                | |
 | | O          Make Linux Bootable Directly From Hard Disk          | |
 | | P          Make a Boot Floppy                                   | |
 | | Q          Reboot The System                                    | |
 | | R          View the Partition Table                             | |
 | | S          Execute a Shell                                      | |
 | +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ |
 |                      <  OK  >      <Cancel>                         |


 Debian GNU/Linux System Installation

   +------------------------ Select Disk Drive ------------------+
   | Please select the partition to initialize as a swap device. |
   | +---------------------------------------------------------+ |
   | |                     /dev/sda3                           | |
   | +---------------------------------------------------------+ |
   |                 <  OK  >      <Cancel>                      |

   +--------------------- Scan for Bad Blocks? ---------------------+
   | The system can scan the entire partition for un-readable disk  |
   | blocks and will mark any such bad blocks it finds so that they |
   | will not be used. This requires that every block be read, and  |
   | thus could take a long time, but may save you trouble later.   |
   |                                                                |
   | Should the bad-block scan be performed on /dev/sda3?           |
   |                      < Yes >      <  No  >                     |

   +------------------------ Are You Sure? -------------------------+
   | You have chosen to initialize /dev/sda3 as a swap device. This |
   | will permanently erase any data on this partition. Are         |
   | you sure you want to do this?                                  |
   |                      < Yes >      <  No  >                     |

Initializing swap partition...

Setting up swapspace, size = 87814144 bytes
Adding Swap: 85756k swap-space


 Debian GNU/Linux System Installation

 +------------ Debian GNU/Linux Installation Main Menu -----------------------+
 | There are "linux native" partitions present on your system but             |
 | none are mounted. You must mount a root filesystem, and you may mount      |
 | other filesystems, before installing the system. If you have just created  |
 | the partitions, you must initialize them before you can mount them. Please |
 | select "Next" to initialize and mount a Linux partition, or                |
 | "Alternate" to mount a previously-intialized partition.                    |
 | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
 | | Next       Initialize a Linux Partition                                | |
 | | Alternate  Mount a Previously-Initialized Partition                    | |
 | |                                                                        | |
 | | A          Configure the Keyboard                                      | |
 | | B          Partition a Hard Disk                                       | |
 | | C          Initialize and Activate a Swap Partition                    | |
 | | D          Activate a Previously-Initialized Swap Partition            | |
 | | E          Do Without a Swap Partition                                 | |
 | | F          Initialize a Linux Partition                                | |
 | | G          Mount a Previously-Initialized Partition                    | |
 | | H          Un-Mount a Partition                                        | |
 | | I          Install Operating System Kernel and Modules                 | |
 | | J          Install the Base System                                     | |
 | | L          Configure Device Driver Modules                             | |
 | | M          Configure the Base System                                   | |
 | | N          Configure the Network                                       | |
 | | O          Make Linux Bootable Directly From Hard Disk                 | |
 | | P          Make a Boot Floppy                                          | |
 | | Q          Reboot The System                                           | |
 | | R          View the Partition Table                                    | |
 | | S          Execute a Shell                                             | |
 | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
 |                      <  OK  >      <Cancel>                                |


 Debian GNU/Linux System Installation

           +--------------- Select Partition ---------------+
           | Please select the partition to initialize as a |
           | Linux ext2 filesystem                          |
           | +--------------------------------------------+ |
           | |                /dev/sda2                   | |
           | |                /dev/sda4                   | |
           | +--------------------------------------------+ |
           |             <  OK  >      <Cancel>             |

   +--------------------- Scan for Bad Blocks? ---------------------+
   | The system can scan the entire partition for un-readable disk  |
   | blocks and will mark any such bad blocks it finds so that they |
   | will not be used. This requires that every block be read, and  |
   | thus could take a long time, but may save you trouble later.   |
   |                                                                |
   | Should the bad-block scan be performed on /dev/sda2?           |
   |                      < Yes >      <  No  >                     |

   +------------------------ Are You Sure? --------------------+
   | You have chosen to initialize /dev/sda2 as a Linux "ext2" |
   | filesystem. This will permanently erase any data on this  |
   | partition. Are you sure you want to do this?              |
   |                      < Yes >      <  No  >                |

Creating filesystem...

mke2fs 1.10, 24-Apr-97 for EXT2 FS 0.5b, 95/08/09
Linux ext2 filesystem format
Filesystem lable=
21472 inodes, 85760 blocks
4288 blocks (5.00%) reserved for the super user
First data block=1
Block size=1024 (log=0)
Fragment size=1024 (log=0)
11 block groups
8192 blocks per group, 8192 fragments per group
1952 inodes per group
Superblock backups stored on blocks:
        8193, 16385, 24577, 32769, 40961, 49153, 57345, 65537, 73729,

Checking for bad blocks (read-only test):    85760/   85760
Writing indoe tables: done
Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done

   +------------- Mount as the Root ^Filesystem? -------------+
   | You must mount your root filesystem ("/") before you can |
   | mount any other filesystems. Would you like to mount     |
   | /dev/sda2 as the root filesystem?                        |
   |                   < Yes >      <  No  >                  |


 Debian GNU/Linux System Installation

 +------------ Debian GNU/Linux Installation Main Menu -----------------------+
 | You've mounted your root filesystem. You may initialize and mount          |
 | aditional filesystems, or you may go on to install the                     |
 | operating system kernel and the modules.                                   |
 | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
 | | Next       Install Operating System Kernel and Modules                 | |
 | | Alternate  Initialize a Linux Partition                                | |
 | | Alternate1 Mount a Previously-Initialized Partition                    | |
 | |                                                                        | |
 | | A          Configure the Keyboard                                      | |
 | | B          Partition a Hard Disk                                       | |
 | | C          Initialize and Activate a Swap Partition                    | |
 | | D          Activate a Previously-Initialized Swap Partition            | |
 | | E          Do Without a Swap Partition                                 | |
 | | F          Initialize a Linux Partition                                | |
 | | G          Mount a Previously-Initialized Partition                    | |
 | | H          Un-Mount a Partition                                        | |
 | | I          Install Operating System Kernel and Modules                 | |
 | | J          Install the Base System                                     | |
 | | L          Configure Device Driver Modules                             | |
 | | M          Configure the Base System                                   | |
 | | N          Configure the Network                                       | |
 | | O          Make Linux Bootable Directly From Hard Disk                 | |
 | | P          Make a Boot Floppy                                          | |
 | | Q          Reboot The System                                           | |
 | | R          View the Partition Table                                    | |
 | | S          Execute a Shell                                             | |
 | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
 |                      <  OK  >      <Cancel>                                |


J          Install the Base System

 Debian GNU/Linux System Installation

    +----------- Select Installation medium -----------+
    | Please select the medium you will use to install |
    | the system.                                      |
    | +----------------------------------------------+ |
    | |    /dev/fd0  First floppy drive              | |
    | |    /dev/fd1  Second floppy drive             | |
    | |    cdrom     CD-ROM drive                    | |
    | |    harddisk  filesystem on the hard disk     | |
    | |    mounted   already mounted filesystem      | |
    | +----------------------------------------------+ |
    |              <  OK  >      <Cancel>              |

    +------------------ Choose Debian driectory -------------------+
    | Please choose the directory where the Debian archive resides |
    | +----------------------------------------------------------+ |
    | | /                                                        | |
    | +----------------------------------------------------------+ |
    |              <  OK  >       <Cancel>                         |

    +------------------------- Select the Base Archive file --------------------+
    | Please select the directory containing a file base1_3.tgz                 |
    |  that you will use to install tht Base System.                            |
    | Unless you really know what you need choose the default.                  |
    | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
    | |list     Choose from a list of all Base Archive Files                  | |
    | |manually Enter the directory containing the Base Archive File manually | |
    | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
    |                         <  OK  >       <Cancel>                           |

    +----------- Select the Base Archive directory ------------+
    | Please select the directory that you will use to install |
    | the base archive.                                        |
    | +------------------------------------------------------+ |
    | |                    /target/data                      | |
    | +------------------------------------------------------+ |
    |                  <  OK  >      <Cancel>                  |

    The base system is being extracted from
    /target/data/base1_3.tgz ...


M          Configure the Base System

Timezone setup... (Current directory: /target/usr/lib/zoneinfo)

Please select the appropriate location in the world in which you
llive. A name followed by a slash (/) indicates that this option
leads to further options, such as specific sections of a country.

You may enter `..´ to go up a level.

... ... ... ... Europe ... ... ...
... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ...

Which? <Europe>

Timezone setup... (Current directory: /target/usr/lib/zoneinfo)

Please select the appropriate location in the world in which you
llive. A name followed by a slash (/) indicates that this option
leads to further options, such as specific sections of a country.

You may enter `..´ to go up a level.

... ... ... ... Berlin ... ... ...
... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ...

Which? <Berlin>

Unix system clocks are generally set to GMT (also known as Universal
Time) and use time zone files to convert this value into local time.
If you want your new Debian Linux system to use GMT rather than
local time, you should answere 'y' to the following question.  If you
want the clock to continue to run on local time, answere 'n'.

NOTE: If this system previously ran MS-DOS, the clock is probably set
to local time. If you want your new Debian Linux system to use
GMT, answere 'y' to the following question and reset the clock after
you have Debian Linux installed.

According to the system, the time is Sun Nov 16 15:35:06 1997

Is your system clock set to GMT (y/n) [y]?


N          Configure the Network

 Debian GNU/Linux System Installation

   +--------------------- Please enter your Host name -----------------------+
   | Every Debian system has a name - even if it is not on a                 |
   | network. This name is called its hostname. You should now               |
   | specify a hostname for your new system.                                 |
   |                                                                         |
   | If your system is going to be in a network, you should talk to the      |
   | administrator of the network before you choose a hostname. If not,      |
   | you may choose any name you like.                                       |
   |                                                                         |
   | The hostname must not contain dots, and you must not append the  domain |
   | name here.                                                              |
   |                                                                         |
   | If you can't think of a hostname of your new system, you may press      |
   | <ENTER> to use the default hostname of debian.                          |
   | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   | | a1200                                                               | |
   | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   |                    <  OK  >      <Cancel>                               |

   +----------------- Use a Network? ------------------+
   | Is your system connected to a network?            |
   |                                                   |
   | If you decide to use a network you must ask your  |
   | network administrator for an IP adress and the    |
   | network parameters !                              |
   |               < Yes >      <  No  >               |


Q Reboot The System

 Debian GNU/Linux System Installation

   +----------------------- Reboot the system? -------------------------+
   | If you are ready to reboot the system, you should have the         |
   | boot floppy (if you created one) in the first floppy drive,        |
   | or no floppy in the first floppy drive if you want to boot         |
   | directly from the harddisk, or the Debian Rescue gloppy            |
   | if you want to reboot the installation system.                     |
   | Please take care of that before you answere "yes" to the following |
   | question.                                                          |
   |                                                                    |
   | Reboot the system?                                                 |
   |                       < Yes >      <  No  >                        |

Sending ....
Sending ....


Amiga OS

amiboot5.6 -k vmlinux-2.1.57-060 root=/dev/sda2


util-linux conflicts with getty
both Req base

internal error - no filename at -e line 12, <P> chunk 12.

installation script returned error exit status 1.

adduser_3.7 and dpkg-ftp_1.4.9 depend on perl

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