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I have a serious problem with my email, no confirmation of my uploads from
yesterday allthough they are allready installed...

So James, Franky, probably you haven´t got what I sent yesterday:
>So I pick doc, games and math for today. 
>Plus: eperl, gdb, gimp, pvm, tk8.0, tix41, xaos, yforth
>games/abuse failed allready last week.
>We also have to freeze by the 16th? I gotta hurry up ;-)
>Perhaps I´ll try the missing perl stuff, no idea if it works:
>[optional]   interpreters/   libgtk-perl has not been compiled for m68k.
>[optional]   interpreters/   perlmagick has not been compiled for m68k.
>[optional]   libs/           libcurses-perl has not been compiled for m68k.
>[optional]   misc/           libpgperl has not been compiled for m68k.
>[optional]   text/           perlsgml has not been compiled for m68k.

some problems I encountered during some autobuilds (with the great debbuild,
without which I wouldn't be quite as productive :-)

xfree86:	failead after 11h, cause some scripts were not executable
tried to do the rest by hand, but failed at genchanges :-(
got some hughe _all.debs now. Upload them somewhere?
Next time it'll work, cause next time its 3.3.2 ;-)

mutt, mutt-i:	perl problem, also when using sgml2txt:
DynaLoader object version 1.03 does not match $DynaLoader::VERSION 1.00 at
/usr/lib/perl5/DynaLoader.pm line 58.
The Dynaloader in /usr/lib/perl5/m68k-linux/5.004/ has the correct version.
Why do I have two Dynaloaders??? On i386/Debian I found only one...

amaya:  	debian/control: architecture is i386 only. compiling worked fine
until the deb should be created. Changeing this to architecure all helped.
Is this ok or is there a reason why its i386 only? Asking the maintainer...

ftape:		-m486 -DCPU=486 

xmailtool: 	gcc -c -O2 -fno-strength-reduce -m486
-I/usr/X11R6/include  -Dlinux -D__i386__ -D_POSIX_SOURCE -D_BSD_SOURCE

c++ -L./linux -L/usr/X11R6/lib -o xosview llist.o Host.o xwin.o Xrm.o
defaultstring.o meter.o fieldmeter.o fieldmeterdecay.o bitmeter.o xosview.o
main.o -lmeter -lX11
./linux/libmeter.a(serialmeter.o): In function `serialMeter::getport(unsigned
/home/cts/debian/xosview-1.5.0/linux/serialmeter.cc:55: undefined reference
to 	operm'

make[1]: Entering directory /home/cts/debian/xvmount-3.6'
cc -I/usr/X11R6/include -O2   -c xvmount.c -o xvmount.o
xvmount.c:20: xview/xview.h: No such file or directory
xvmount.c:21: xview/panel.h: No such file or directory

wn:		build as root?
make[1]: Leaving directory /home/cts/debian/wn-1.18.5/debian/src/digestauth'
debian/src/wndex/wndex -d debian/src/docs
        Mime type file too large.

afterstep:	requires user interaction to build. should I select default
allways? failed due to perl version problem...

icewm:	perl

qps: qt


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