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Re: [Debconf-video] video meeting for dc15, video sprint

On Thu, Mar 12, 2015 at 08:03:58PM +0100, Wouter Verhelst wrote:
> The dudle suggests that another appropriate time for this meeting would
> be next monday, 18:00 UTC through 20:00 UTC. I suggest we hold it then,
> or (if there's too many people who can't make that; it wasn't open for
> very long) that we do another dudle and start over, with a bit more
> time.

Note to self: if you're going to suggest a meeting, better f*cking
actually be there, yourself. Grmbl.

Having said that, though, I do believe the urgency is gone now that
-team has come up with a budget; we "just" need to come up with a way to
do our stuff within that budget (which, I think, is perfectly possible).
So rather than wasting everyone's time yet again, I suggest we do things
via mailinglist instead.

What needs to happen:
- We need to get four cameras, four tripods, six laptops, and a whole
  bunch of audio gear and cables from Paris to Heidelberg and back
  again. Richard seems to think we can do that at €500, which I think is
  too low; I think a guesstimate of 2k is more realistic, which Richard
  thinks is ridiculously high.
  I can't come up with a better answer to the question at hand from
  where I am (typing this in a restaurant on my way home), but I'll take
  this as an action point for later this week: figure out what a
  reasonable guesstimate would be. If someone has an answer already, be
  my guest ;-)
- We need to buy some consumables:
  - batteries for the wireless mics.
  - duct tape (or is this done by network team?)
  - media to put the recordings on (disks)? Not sure if we need this.
    How is this usually done?
  - Anything else?
- We need to organize a sprint. Ideally, people from non-debconf video
  teams would be present at this sprint, too. We should talk to those
  people, see if they're interested in joining, see how much time
  they're willing to spend, and come up with a date. It should be:
  - Long enough before debconf that we can use whatever we figure out at
    this sprint at debconf itself
  - long enough in the future that it's still possible to organize it
  I think one month before debconf is the absolute minimum to pass on
  the first restriction, and that 6 weeks to two months is probably what
  it would take for the second one; that leaves (late) may, all of june,
  and early july for the sprint.
  Open questions:
  - how long should such a sprint be? We could make it a weekend one, so
    that people don't need to take vacation, which is probably a good
    idea. Alternatively, we could make it a week sprint, which would
    give us more time, but would require people to take time off from
    work. Maybe do something like wednesday through sunday, and people
    who can only join for the weekend arrive friday night?
  - Where are we going to do this? I don't personally have any space
    that I could use for this kind of stuff. Anyone have an idea?
- We need a plan for recording stuff at conference itself. I think for
  this year, going with a dvswitch-compiled-on-wheezy is an acceptable
  plan that will work (the issues with dvswitch are that the API changed
  in recent libav versions, which happened after the release of wheezy;
  when compiled against the libav libraries from wheezy, even if the
  result runs on jessie, everything works fine). However, I would feel
  more comfortable with switching to some other option. At the same
  time, I don't feel comfortable with such a switch until after the
- We need a plan for reviewing. In past debconfs (that I was present
  at), we used a penta extension, which seemed to work fine. However,
  since debconf has moved away from penta now, that is no longer an
  option. I wasn't at debconf 2014, so I can't evaluate how well last
  year's solution (veyepar) worked; but I can note that for FOSDEM 2014,
  it wasn't a complete success. Then again, FOSDEM and DebConf are two
  completely different beasts; what is a bad idea for one conference
  isn't necessarily so for the other.
  Can someone who actually was at DebConf14 comment on how well veyepar
  worked for DebConf?

I believe that's all. Anyone have any other comments? Something I
missed? Thoughts?


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