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Re: [Debconf-team] Overcommitting travel sponsorship (was: Rough timeline idea for DC15 and the CfP)

also sprach Anthony Towns <aj@erisian.com.au> [2014-12-09 00:50 +0100]:
> Sure -- and what Phil and Brian have said is the expected scenario
> is that the actual result of committing to $x in travel grants
> will be an expenditure of $y, where y << x.

Good, so we are all on the same page. I think the details should now
be discussed between the bursaries, budgeting and chairs/DPL.

As for your questions:

>  - a municipal rate of 490% ?

Yes, this is Munich maximising business tax (i.e. 490% of the base
business tax rate). Overall, this isn't so much of an expense, so we
did not optimise for this.

>  - you may be able to get around VAT by just making a rule of
>  consistently using the ex-VAT costs in expenses in the budget. if
>  you're worried about the cashflow, an estimate is probably as
>  good as the actual number.

We are using ex-VAT costs. VAT is still super-complex in our
situation. But we are well prepared and on top of things.

>  - counting the "Debian seed" as income is really poor practice
>  imo. if you do so, you should have the same figure as an expense,
>  so that the bottom line is still how much dc15 impacts Debian
>  financially overall

The Debian seed currently is a liability. It is not income, but you
are right that there ought to be an expense for it.

>  - the "scenarios" feature seems horrible to me; there's too many
>  fiddly things to click, and it's better to be able to see
>  alternate scenarios simultaneously anyway...

It'll be easy to create any form of overview using Calc references,
as long as the data are all there.

>  - seems off that the "worst case" expenses still includes $1450 for
> wine&cheese

We have a sponsor for the party, so this will happen regardless.

>  - there's currently two scenarios for travel sponsorship: base at
>  $30k+$30k, and "worst" at $5k+$7k; that's a pretty big difference

As I said, the numbers are just there for now. They do not mean

>  - the room and board expenses seem to be independent of the scenarios on
> the assumptions page; have you already committed to a minimum occupancy of
> 350?

Yes. With the option to lose exclusivity of the venue by April 2015
— another reason we should make a move on opening registrations


 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madduck@debconf.org> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
`. `'`
  `-  DebConf15: Heidelberg, Germany: http://debconf15.debconf.org
      DebConf16 in your country? https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf16

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