Dear Sirs, We are full-member of ICCA ( International Congress and Convention Association ) and we have found in the ICCA database and in your website that you organise the Debian Conference every year with an average attendance of 300 (?) delegates. The next edition will take place in Switzerland in August 2013 and past-congresses have been held in Managua July 2012, Bosnia-H. in 2011, NY in 2010, Cáceres in 2009, mar del Plata 2008, Edinburgh in 2007, … As far as we know, the Conference has never been held in Barcelona in the past, and we would like to explore the possibility to held it in our property, the Fira Palace Hotel Conference Centre in Barcelona (Spain). The Fira Palace Hotel Conference Centre is leader in the field of hotels focused in association and professional meetings in Barcelona. The hotel is located between the famous España square and Gran Via avenue, in the heart of Barcelona. The hotel has excellent communication services to anywhere in the city and to the airport. The hotel offers 276 bedrooms of 42 sqm each (considered the largest in the city), most of them with 2-queen-size beds and fully equipped. The 18 meeting rooms are divided in 3 levels easily connected from one to the other and they are the ideal frame for those events that require one-and-only venue including plenary room, break-outs, exhibition and poster area, food and beverage facilities, etc. The biggest room, Salon Verdi, has 780 sqm and its maximum capacity is 800 persons theatre style and 500 school style (including stage for the presidential table and lectern). The main lobby is big enough to organise the registration desk and congress documents delivery for participants. Pictures of our meeting rooms are available in the download section of our web site. We are pleased to send enclosed a brief presentation of the hotel as a PDF file. Do not hesitate to contact us for any further information you may need. Looking forward to hearing from you soon, we remain Cordially yours, Sergi Roca
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Description: HotelFiraPalace_Leaflet_2_v2.pdf