Re: [Debconf-team] [Debconf-announce] deadline for DebConf14 bids: 20130228
Holger Levsen dijo [Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 03:43:06PM +0100]:
> Hi,
> as we haven't done so yet, we've decided to set the deadline for DebConf14
> bids for evaluation to February 28th 2013 (23:59 according to your timezone).
> Please see for more information on how
> to submit a bid.
> Further details of the dc14 timeline will be discussed in tonights #debconf-
> team irc meeting, though the dc14 timeline topic should proably be only 10min
> or less today, so maybe we won't finalize it today. After all, there is also a
> lot of dc13 stuff to discuss and decide and #debconf-team irc meetings shall,
> normally, only last one hour.
Right. I will only be attending the first ¼-½ of the meeting, and the
item is towards the end, so I won't comment on it right there - but
yes, I agree with the Feb28 date. I see you sent this mail to
debconf-announce and debian-devel-announce (I'm dropping the Cc:s),
but of course a proper announcement should follow.
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