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Re: [Debconf-team] LeCamp - Approval of budget and signing the contract


I've been helping with this, so I should be able to answer these
questions.  I helped hug make the original email sent here, too, so I
can be blamed for anything in the budget or initial email, too.

On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 04:33:31PM -0800, Steve Langasek wrote:

> I'm having trouble interpreting the section under the heading "local
> estimates".  Does this refer to estimates of the number of local sponsors
> you expect to find at each of these levels, or does it refer to something
> else?  (I note that the numbers in this column for "gold" and "silver"
> appear to be greater than the estimated total numbers.)

"local estimates" on the right, apart from the main column, were a
itemization of who might be expected from several months ago.  Within
the budget itself is a current guess of what sponsorship we might
get.  This is *not* how much sponsorship we have now, it is only a

This is why I (personally) am a bit skeptical of this budget approval,
since it isn't an authorization to spend this much (if income is
lower) or mean we can't do more (if income is higher).  At most, it's
a sanity check before signing a contract (though all the other
research we've done is a better indication if that's a good idea
financially or not).

> For the calculation of person-days, you've indicated 2090 person-days with
> 60 DebCamp attendees.  This amounts to an average of 290 attendees per day
> of DebConf.  Does this budget assume all of these attendees are staying
> on-site at LeCamp?  Per my mail of
> <[🔎] 20121125024909.GA12571@virgil.dodds.net>, I do not believe it is realistic
> to project we will have 290 adult DebConf attendees staying on site at Le
> Camp.

Yes, so far.  And yeah, it may very well be less, but at least this is
who we could afford to pay for.  If it's less due to other issues, it
makes our financial position better (and we can pay other things).

> The income from accomodation fees and professional and corporate
> registrations exceeds the number of 1 and 2 person rooms listed on
> <http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf13/LeCamp/Rooms>.  What assumptions
> have gone into the calculation of these quantities for the different kinds
> of fees, and how do these assumptions line up with the known facts about
> available accomodation?

At one point we thought there were 44 two-person room beds.  If this
is less, then it would need modification.  I think a bigger
uncertainty is how the accommodation+food/professional fee will be
split: I think that will reduce our income more.  But attempts to
encourage more payers may counteract that.

I see "bar profit" has been added to the budget, which I didn't notice
before.  I think until we know more about just how this bar will work
and if it's the kind of people will use (and the profit margins), we
shouldn't count on that money (see a previous thing about my goal of
only counting money which is well-known).

This budget is a bit more forward-thinking than my last one, which was
more conservative and designed to increase as we got more money,
keeping it balanced (or "safe") at all times.  This is more of a guess
as to what it will like in 8 months, I think.

- Richard

| Richard Darst  -  rkd@          -  pyke: up 26 days, 3:31
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| "Ye shall know the truth and -- the truth shall make you free"

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