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Re: [Debconf-team] [Debconf-discuss] Travel sponsorship BoF: minutes

+++ MJ Ray [2010-08-22 12:49 +0100]:

> Also, we should not be assuming flights, particularly for debconf 11
> which is in Europe where land travel may work for some/many.  Train
> and coach tickets and car hire pricing works on different schedules.

This is a good point. You can know approximate cheapest-available
train prices in advance, but they are not available until 3,2 or 1
month in advance depending on type. The expensive parts should have
3-month availablity. Local parts can be only one month. So to get the
best deals you need to know what you want 3 months in advance, and
remember to actually buy it then (i.e have the money available), as
the really-cheap tickets can go quite fast (maybe a week or two). 

The sums involved should be significantly less than long-distance
flights, as if you get the early slots you can get all the way across
europe (and back) for about 300 euro.

I'm not sure exactly how this info will/should affect the process. I
guess the main thing is that people should at least know they will get
the money 3 months in advance. If it's only 2 months then expect the
costs to almost double. 

Principal hats:  Linaro, Emdebian, Wookware, Balloonboard, ARM

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