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[Debconf-team] is there a need for a global-team meeting?

(posting from my phone, I hope this doesn't come out as HTML)


Last Saturday we canceled the global team meeting due to lack of
attendance (we were 4-5 people there).

The previous global-team meeting also had a poor attendance although
enough to carry on the meeting.

Before I embark myself on a "let's find a good meeting time" quest...
do we need to meet this week at all?

I know these global team meetings are customary but if we are having
them out of habit and they don't serve any real purpose we can as well
skip them for the time being.

If we go along with a meeting these days, I want to propose to require
advance notices for people who said they are available and then can't
make it. First, it is a matter of courtesy and second, we can cancel
the meeting much earlier.

The fact the meeting got canceled was fortunate at my end, by the way.
I got to enjoy the Festival International de Jazz de Montreal a little
more, which was *awesome*. Highly recommend it!


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