On Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 7:51 PM, DebConf Registration Team
<registration@debconf.org> wrote:
Hello Rohit Mehta,
This (automated) message is being sent to attendees to remind you
about reconfirmation of your attendance, and to let you know of any
errors in the registration, or other things which you should know
about. Please look over the items below, and correct any problems
which may be present. Some things are just warnings or notes, and
won't apply to most people. These are clearly labeled, if one doesn't
apply to you, please ignore it.
Because this is an automated message, perhaps there are false
positives on the errors or warnings listed here. If you know that
something does not apply to you or you have contacted us previously,
please disregard. If you have any questions, please contact us via
#debconf-team @ irc.oftc.net (real-time questions)
or mailing list:
debconf-team@lists.debconf.org (publically archived mail list)
or non-public email:
The registration system URL is
The notes below each item give hints on where to look in our
registration for the relevant fields for each item.
Please check that everything is updated by the reconfirmation deadline
of June 10th! Travel sponsorship announcements were sent in a
seperate mail on May 28th, 2010. Please see below for information
about food and lodging sponsorship. Even if you aren't being
sponsored, registration estimates are required for sponsorship and
budgeting planning.
Information about your registration
This item is just to verify your registration:
Registration Category: Basic; no sponsored food or accommodation
Debian status: Otherwise involved in Debian
Accommodation requested: On-campus room
Food requested: Vegan (strict vegetarian)
Reconfirmed: True
Your currently listed arrival and departure dates at the venue are:
Arrival date: None
Departure date: None
Please ensure that these categories are correct and update
anything needed.
You haven't requested sponsorship - thank you for supporting
DebConf by helping to secure your own funds.
If you know of any organization which could help support
DebConf financially, please contact sponsors@debconf.org -- we
still need more funds to help make DebConf a better conference
and to allow us to sponsor more people.
Some registration options have been recently enabled:
* Reconfirmation - Deadline to reconfirm is June 10. Sometime
before then please take a moment to decide whether you will
be attending for sure. This year accommodations are quite
expensive, if you reconfirm and fail to attend without a
very good reason, this might negatively reflect in your
chances of getting sponsored accommodation for future
DebConfs. We also reserve the right to NMU your packages
breaking them in subtle but annoying ways. (If you haven't
reconfirmed yet, more information is below)
* Day trip preference - please see and let us know.
* Room preferences:
For room information, please see
and let us know what type of room you would like and any
preferences for a roommate.
Our university residence halls have a minimum age of 13 years
old. Thus, in order to stay in our accommodations, everyone
must be at least 13 years old. This is due to New York State
law requiring child safety features in high-rise buildings,
which our university residence halls are not equipped with.
Please let us know if this affects your plans. This _only_
affects accommodation, all other parts of DebConf have no age
Registration errors and warnings
You haven't marked an arrival date. If you are staying in our
accommodations, you should have an arrival date by the
reconfirmation deadline. Even if you aren't staying in our
accommodations, please fill this out as soon as you can.
Arrival time (e.g. afternoon vs evening) isn't as important
Penta -> Travel -> 'Date of arrival'
You haven't marked a departure date. If you are staying in
our accommodations, you should try to have a listed departure
date by the reconfirmation deadline. Even if you aren't
staying in our accommodations, please fill this out as soon as
you can. Departure time (for example, morning vs afternoon)
isn't as important right now.
Penta -> Travel -> 'Date of departure'
You don't have a country selected. You aren't required to
tell us a country, however, selecting one will greatly help us
produce good demographic data. Please consider setting a
Penta -> Contact -> Address -> Country
You are in a category that doesn't include food:
Basic; no sponsored food or accommodation
but are listed as requesting food:
Vegan (strict vegetarian)
This is all right, this is just a warning that you'll need to
pay in order to be able to eat with us. The cost will be on
the order of $15/meal. There will be a way to let us know
what days you'd like to eat with us, so you only need to pay
for food you eat with us whether or not you are sponsored.
Penta -> General -> General section -> Category
Penta -> General -> DebConf -> Food
You are in a category that doesn't include accommodation:
Basic; no sponsored food or accommodation
but are listed as requesting accommodation:
On-campus room
This is all right, this is just a warning that you'll need to
pay in order to be able to stay with us. The cost will be on
the order of $53/day.
Penta -> General -> General section -> Category
Penta -> General -> DebConf -> Accommodation
Thank you,
Richard Darst
On behalf of the DebConf team