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Re: [Debconf-team] Request for a debconf keynote

Dear Mark,

you raise a couple of points to which I would like to reply, but
they have nothing to do anymore with debconf-team. I urge you to
bring these up on a mailing list instead

Since it is not my intention to slam them down, I'd be happy to let
my replies be read over by others to make sure that I don't ruin the
chance for a constructive discussion.

I am very interested in cross-distro collaboration, and in making it
happen. I am also aware that Ubuntu is the most successful
distribution out there and collaboration between our projects could
speed up FLOSS evolution significantly.

I do have things to say in response to two of your points, right

also sprach Mark Shuttleworth <mark@ubuntu.com> [2008.04.29.2133 +0100]:
> Fourth, Ubuntu has some intrinsic strengths that could benefit
> Debian even more, if we had a good dialog.

How does a keynote make for good dialog? It really much rather
reminds me of politics...

> I would be glad to articulate a more complete list if given the
> opportunity to do so. That would be part of the point of
> a presentation - to give an overview of the places we already work
> well together, and look towards ways we can elevate these into
> a more systematic form of collaboration.

I understand you have created an event in Pentabarf, so the decision
is now up to the committee.

I keep wondering why you claim to seek dialog but you have *never*
made a serious effort to approach Debian as whole with concrete
proposals on how to achieve what you're promising in this mail, and
likely in the presentation you would like to deliver.

Debian is mailing-list-centred; debian-project reaches hundreds more
people than a DebConf keynote in Argentina would.

I would like to see you articulate concrete ideas and proposals
there, where many more people have a chance to hear it, and
*everyone* has an opportunity to reply.

Obviously, I can understand that you're not inclined to dive into
a flamefest with this. I would hence suggest that you sent your text
to a few of us up front, work out any misunderstandings, and then
unleash it to the public with our backing. A couple troll-like
responses and flames are to be expected, but when those of us who've
had a chance to see your visions up front step up, I'd say those can
be contained and prevented from getting into the way of a fruitful

I would be happy to read your text up front and try to get behind
it. If I can see a way forward in what you propose, I will gladly
help to keep the discussion focused. I am sure I am not the only

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madduck@debconf.org>
: :'  :  DebConf orga team; press officer
`. `'`
  `-  DebConf8, 10-16 Aug 2008, Argentina: http://debconf.org
"imagine if every thursday your shoes exploded if you
 tied them the usual way. this happens to us all the time
 with computers, and nobody thinks of complaining."
                                                        -- jeff raskin

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