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Re: [Debconf-team] DebConf10 - call for Location proposals

On Mon, Sep 08, 2008 at 10:38:47AM -0400, Jimmy Kaplowitz wrote:
> I want the US to undo these changes too, but it looks like the differences
> between the US and EU in this regard are narrowing in the direction of more
> of this crap in both regions.


>So unless you're planning to move to some rare
> part of the world that isn't doing this,




>going to the EU and the US will become equally bad in these regards.

(This applies to residents of anywhere going to these two world regions. What I
meant to say was that unless we're planning to hold DebConf in some rare part
of the world that isn't doing this, going to a DebConf will soon have these bad
properties no matter where we hold it, and it'll certainly be true for EU/US
DebConfs soon.)

- Jimmy Kaplowitz

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