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Re: [Debconf-team] Press team

On 10834 March 1977, Patty Langasek wrote:

> Nattie and I were just throwing out some times that we'd like to get
> together on IRC to hash some things out. Being in a timezone 8 hours off
> from each other makes matters interesting - so, we're aiming for Sunday
> afternoon/evening (British time), which would naturally be morning for me
> (PST). I understand that not a lot of people like to give up their weekends
> to the computer (Ok, that's not true - consider who I live with.), but it'd
> be nice if everyone on the team could be available at some point during the
> weeks to get together and brain dump what's going on.

Weekend is fine for me.

bye Joerg
Wie gesagt, mein /proc/kcore ist 536MB gross und ich würde meinen Rechner gern
davon befreien. Ein rm -f schlägt fehl! Ein Reboot hat auch nix geholfen.
	-- <uza89.12913$y71.291154@news.chello.at>

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