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Re: breakfast planning

> people will forget to clean up. they will have much lower standards of
> cleaning up then we (or the one who uses the place after them).
> this has been wittnessed at debconf3, when we had a cleanup team. even
> the cleanup team did not have a sufficently high standard to make the
> room look clean afterwards.

Fellows, I was witnessing this conversation even though not part of
the organizing team, but I tend to think like Andreas does.

This is not saying that the Debconf attendants are caring or not about
cleaning and whatever. They/We will just be not focusing on it because
not in the priorities...which will probably quickly result in a quite
dirty mess of cups, food, computers, cables slowly spreading around
during the conference.

Hard to say and express directly but I think in short that being
*very* pessimistic on that topic is probably the best way to avoid
being disappointed later and then blame our fellow Debian developers
and contributors for being "pigs"...:-)

I'm not sure whether there's a good solution to this but, well, at
least everyone should be prepared to a worst nightmare than what we
imagine....and just later be happy to be proven wrong.

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