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Beating the drums early?


As I suspect more volunteers might be needed sooner or later, here a
list of Linux or related groups in Finland.
I suggest sending emails to each of these to generally announce the
upcoming DebConf5 for next year and in the same email perhaps ask for
volunteers. Or at least indicating the existing wiki and this list.

We could also beat the drums early to some specific Finnish Linux news-

What do you people think about these ideas? If you agree, who will send
such an email? I could take care of it, if needed.


** User groups and such:

   * Finnish Linux User Group (FLUG)
	Events list: flug-tapahtumat@flug.fi
	Main list: flug-l@flug.fi

   * Porvoo Linux User Group (PLUG)
	Main list: plug@lists.plug.fi

   * LinuxOnly (news + fora)

   * Turku Unix User group (TUUG)

   * Jinux (Joensuu Linuxkerhon)

The following are Linux-Aktivaattori related and are already informed:

   * Turuxi (Turku Linux/Unix user group)

   * Linux-blondit
	main list: linux-blondit@linux-aktivaattori.org

   * Linux-Aktivaattori members
        main list: discussion@linux-aktivaattori.org

** Finnisch Linux news-outlets:

   * Tonnikala (http://tonnikala.net/)
   * Raja-Antura (http://www.raja-antura.org/)
   * IT-Viikko (http://www.itviikko.fi/)
   * Linux-romput (http://koti.mbnet.fi/sankalah/index.php)
   * FLUG news-pages (http://www.flug.fi/uutiset/)
   * NordicMind (http://www.nordicmind.com/fi/news.shtml)

And of course:
   * Finnisch debian news (http://www.debian.org/News/index.fi.html)

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