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Teckids workshop at DebConf15 (was: Childcare at DebConf15 — action required)

[Btw, I am intentionally keeping the list on Cc because I feel that
parents are the ones who might have valuable input here. If you
don't care about the issue, I hope it's not asking too much to just
ignore this thread.]

also sprach Dominik George <dominik.george@teckids.org> [2015-04-08 23:34 +0200]:
> How would you ever want to *seed* adolescent interest in Debian if
> you concentrate on those who are prone to be Debianised by their
> parents anyway? Teckids - and, AFAICT, DebConf as well - are about
> building a community, not keeping the community in the bounds it
> has now.

While I agree with you, Teckids so far was floated as a child-care
programme within DebConf, or I have misunderstood. If that's not the
primary focus of our potential collaboration, then it needs to be
(or should be) approached differently.

I am glad we are talking about this as early as we are, allowing us
to align our expectations.

I find the idea of Teckids charming, as you well know.

However, as we're now talking about a Teckids side track to DebConf
open to DebConf kids, not an event primarily organised for DebConf
kids, I think we'll better approach this from an angle of creating
interest and getting young people involved in Debian from our side.

Could you give me a sentence or two helping me to pitch the idea to
the team? Why would a Teckids workshop benefit DebConf and how could
it help attract young people to our project?


 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madduck@debconf.org> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
`. `'`
  `-  DebConf15: Heidelberg, Germany: http://debconf15.debconf.org
      DebConf16: Cape Town: https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf16

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