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Re: Vaccinations

Enrico Zini dijo [Fri, Jun 16, 2023 at 01:31:31PM +0200]:
> Ok, I edited the wiki page with the information that I have, and the
> result definitely needs editing. Too many things are listed that are
> likely not relevant for the conference, and the list as it is would only
> cause unneeded alarm.
> I neither have the local information nor the medial expertise needed to
> judge which of those can be taken out and in what conditions.


I can only provide anecdotal evidence, and for that matter, anecdotal
evidence of a different time of the year. But still, it's the
anecdotal evidence of a tourist that spent a week in South India this

In late January, Tzafrir, Nattie and I went to India. We attended a
miniDebConf in a small city in Tamil Nadu (state bordering Kerala to
the East) and did a pre-conference visit in Kochi.

We didn't strictly eat "street food", but we ate at the small
university cafeteria at miniDebConf, had lunch at a couple of smaller
roadside restaurants, and were pampered with tourist-level places in
Kochi (but still kept eating deliciously while there!)

As far as I can tell, neither of us had preparative vaccinations of
any kind. We all came back to our countries with no ill stomachs or
otherwise sick.

Mosquitos? Yes, there are many many. Many people will get concerned
when they find out that many (most? all?) streetwalks are planks of
cement that cover a sewage canal; mosquitos are quite abundant (and we
were there in the dry season!), and staying long in the street
guarantees you will get some bites in the legs; most of those
mosquitos don't fly high (my arms were not as inviting to the buggers,
at least, and when we weren't in the streets, I didn't feel them). I
mention the mosquitos because of the many well-known mosquito-borne

Should you vaccinate? Not for me to tell. I can only tell you my
experience was quite good, health-wise. And no, it's not because
January is very cold --- Kochi is 9°N only, so the temperature
variation between seasons is basically nonexistent¹, although the rain
patterns do differ a lot.

Please enjoy DebConf in India for me!

¹ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kochi#Climate

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