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Re: Decision making in Debian

]] Denver Gingerich 

> On Thu, Jul 14, 2022 at 01:19:41PM +0200, Tollef Fog Heen wrote:
> > Quite a lot of decisions are made every day on mailing
> > lists (and IRC, Matrix, in person, and in a whole lot of other arenas)
> > they're just a lot less formal than GRs.
> At the risk of going a bit off-topic here, I'm curious about Matrix
> being singled out here, as I hadn't seen it used in a Debian context
> before.  The only information I could find on Matrix use by Debian was
> at https://wiki.debian.org/Matrix - it appears Debian runs a Matrix
> server at matrix.debian.social and discusses Matrix packaging at
> #debian-matrix:matrix.org (i.e. on non-Debian infrastructure) but
> otherwise doesn't use Matrix.

Off-topic is fine. :-)  I listed it because I like it, and while not
used a lot directly in Debian, quite a lot of users on IRC are using it
through a bridge.  I'd assume there are also more isolated communities
using it here and there without necessarily announcing it. 

«on non-Debian infrastructure» doesn't really make sense for a federated
system such as Matrix, since a room can have multiple aliases and the
history is distributed to all servers that have users in a given room.

> It feels like the Debian community is pretty comfortable with IRC
> (reasonably so) and so I was wondering if this was more of an off-hand
> comment, or if there are other uses of Matrix by Debian that go beyond
> what I mentioned above.

It was indeed more of an off-hand comment. While I think matrix is a
(technologically) much better choice than IRC, I suspect we're stuck
with IRC for a very long time since it's quite frequently good enough
and history has proven that it has a lot of stickiness.

Tollef Fog Heen
UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are

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