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Re: [Debconf-discuss] [Debconf-announce] Videos of the Debconf (Debian conference) 13

On 21/08/2013 12:47, Holger Levsen wrote:
> Hi Francesco,
> On Montag, 19. August 2013, Francesco Poli wrote:
>> for videos under
>> different formats (webm, mp4)?
>> Are they the same videos in different formats?
> yes. (though the videos on IRILLs website used our high quality .ogv files as 
> source, not the DV material)
And most of the time, we are doing the encoding on the dv files...
Here, it was easier to do on the ogv.

>>  • The IRILL website claims that the videos are under Creative Commons
>> by-nc-nd v3.0 fr, which is a horribly non-free licensing choice!
>> On the other hand, videos hosted on meetings-archive.debian.net are
>> luckily under an Expat/MIT-like license
>> (http://meetings-archive.debian.net/pub/debian-meetings/LICENSE)
>> which is a very simple and good DFSG-free licensing choice.
>> Why are videos hosted by IRILL not released under the same Expat-like
>> license used on meetings-archive.debian.net ?
> because IRILL/Sylvestre made a mistake, which will hopefully be corrected 
> soon. The licence on the IRILL page is wrong.
Probably. I am waiting for a feedback.

> Sylvestre, while we're at it, could provide these html5 files for video.d.n as 
> well, please?
I am using the method describe here:

Example (random, of course), with this video:

It is probably not what you want but we propose HTML5 first, and if the
browser does not support html5 video, we fallback on flash (Francesco, I
am aware that Flash is not free ;) ).

        <div class="on-video-thumbnail">

	    <video width="720" height="576" controls="control"
tabindex="0"><!-- lists the available video files for the player:
type="video/webm"></source><!-- specify the actual player: --><object
width="720" height="576" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
	            <param name="movie"
value="http://www.irill.org/media/flowplayer-3.2.5.swf"; /><param
value="true" name="allowFullScreen" /><param value="transparent"
name="wmode" /><param name="flashvars"
alt="An Introduction To Jenkins.debian.net" title="No video playback
capabilities, please download the video below" /></object>
	    </video><br />



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