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[Debconf-discuss] Think of more questions for the TDDD BoF at 17:00


Zack, Ian and I will host the "Test Driven Development in Debian BoF"
at 17:00.

Here are the questions we have thought of so far:

1. which archive-wide packaging testing initiatives are you aware of
   in Debian?

2. how do you test your packages?

3. do you have packages with (extensive) upstream test suites?
   - if yes, do you run those test suites at package build-time?
   - if not, why not?
     e.g. they are not flexible enough to be run at build-time

4. are you aware of testing-related initiatives that other
   distribution are doing and that Debian can adopt?

5. how can we leverage Debian packaging testing to benefit upstreams?
   e.g. we have way more architectures than avg. upstream

6. how can we collect system tests collaboratively?

What questions do you have? Please add them to gobby...
# apt-get install gobby-infinote
$ gobby-0.5 -c gobby.debian.net
+ gobby.debian.net
  + debconf11
    + dc11-TDDD

...or ask them on #debconf-auditorium



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