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Re: [Debconf-discuss] Ideas for money BoF

Here are some more ideas for spending Debian money.

 - Fund more developer gatherings, the same way Debian Edu and
   Extremadura have been doing in the past.  Teams interested in a
   face to face meeting to work on their part of the project should be
   provided a simple way to get funding for transport, lodgning and

 - Find development of key projects required for the success of Linux,
   like free flash (needed at least for Debian Edu to be able to
   provide a completely free solution to schools.  In Norway, the
   national exams are conduced using flash based web pages, and in
   Spain, a lot of educational software written for the educational
   department are written in Flash.  Well functioning free flash is
   the current Achilles' heel of free software on the desktop.  Debian
   Edu have funded Gnash developer gathering, and hope to be able to
   assist the gnash project in the future to push free flash forward.
   I hope Debian can do the same.

The idea for a PR box to ship to conferences and exhibitions is also
definitely a good one, but it will require more than just money to

One thing to consider is that spending Debian money will probably make
more people willing to donate money to Debian, when they can see that
the donated funds is used effciently and not just piled in the SPI

Happy hacking,
Petter Reinholdtsen

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