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Re: [Debconf-discuss] Presentation no longer on the schedule!?

On Wed, May 23, 2007 at 09:17:03AM -0700, Keith Curtis wrote:
> I hope you will come to Debconf, and can attend some sort of
> >"Debian/Ubuntu collaboration" BOF.
> I would of course, but I also feel that what I have to contribute will take
> a number of minutes to convey.

Even if this is true, you should still come to the conference and
participate in that BOF as best you can, since it'd be a useful
viewpoint, regardless of what happens with your presentation. I welcome
your outsider viewpoint and hope it can provide useful tips to Debian
and Ubuntu regarding collaboration, but will agree that Lucas has a
point in that the primary impetus for that collaboration has to come
from people who are themselves directly involved with those two
projects. Put another way, collaboration can take advice from outside,
but needs to be driven from the inside. As Lucas said, you are of course
welcome to get involved more deeply with either project, but come attend
and participate in the BOF and informal conversations if you have
something useful to say, regardless of your status with the projects or
the resolution of your presentation.

(I am involved with the conference organization team, but not with the
part of it that makes decisions regarding acceptance of talks for either
DebianDay or the main conference, so I had nothing to do with that

- Jimmy Kaplowitz

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