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Re: no schedules til the day before ?

On Thu, 9 Jun 2005, Andreas Schuldei wrote:

we are flexible regarding how far in advance it will be annouced.
I understand the 24 hours in advance is too little for some
speakers. Eventhough speakers should by no means start to prepare
only 24 hours before their talk, rather weeks. (c:
If you ask me the latest date for fixing the talks is 24 hours
before the conference starts.  I would prefer if all talks
would be fixed 7*24 hours = 1 week before the beginn of the

Only one practical reason (besides common sense):

  I want to organize a Debian-Med day which I want to do at
  the same day as my Custom Debian Distributions talk will
  be.  I'd strongly prefer having my talk scheduled in the
  morning (to have a general introduction in the morning an
  continue with a special CDD in the afternoon).

This would be a no-go with this kind of randomly scheduled
talks and I would strongly vote against it.

Kind regards



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