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Re: [Cdrecord-video] Re: [Cdrecord-developers] Cdrtools-2.01a25: Patch to make cdrtools 2.01a25 Linux compatible

Joerg Schilling wrote:

Please don't comment things you obviously don't really understand.

1)	The include files on /usr/src/linux have been absolutely needed for a long
	time to be able to compile at all.

2)	The include files under /usr/src/linux are definitely more recent
	resp. closer to the currently run kernel than what typically is under

That's what everyone is trying to tell you, there is no guaranty that those files are correct for the current running kernel. Or that they even exist!

3)	I am writing portable software. This means that it is portable
even between different Linux versions.
4)	What people like Linus Torvalds tell me on how I should compile,
	is definitely much much more incorrect than what I am currently doing.

5) The problems are a result of _inconsistent_ unclude files in /usr/src/linux, which I call a clear Bug that needs to be fixed.

Which is why all the kernel people keep telling you (and everyone else) not to use these files, every distribution and many users do something different. And other applications do run fine even if there is no kernel source at /usr/src/linux. Having *anything* at /usr/src/linux is not required, so you are complaing that something which is random is inconsistent. Yes it is, because you're not supposed to use it!

Got it?

6)	If you did ever try to write a program that uses interfaces that
need /usr/src/linux to compile and run correctly you would probably never repeat the wrong statements from people from LKML.

I would never write a program which depends on something random, it isn't reliable.

E. Robert Bogusta
 It seemed like a good idea at the time

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