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Re: Quotation marks - commit planned for language css in webwml

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Am 22.12.2005 um 21:13 schrieb Richard Atterer:

Still, I feel slightly bad about the fact that after the changes are
committed, >80% of Internet users will _not_ see <q> as intended. FWIW, the
round corners of the current site don't show up on MSIE either. :-/

At first it is a fact that some pages used <q> instead of any ldquo and others before. And IE does not support those either. It behaves like links here, which is wrong. The rounded corners on the other hand do not show up in all browsers not using gecko engine. I added them later to make Mozilla users a bit happier and to have a bit nicer navbar for them.

When the first CSS was introduced, I asked a long time before, to see, if all pages go well on my homepage. And nobody complained. It took months for me to notice that IE showed the first page wrong. Nobody complained at all and now the issue is gone a long time.

We can try to make quotes themselves a special style. The other ways around IE bugs is just to make IE-Pages and remove most of the CSS, because IE is endlessly buggy. Or someone creates a Javascript that works around the IE Bugs and is not seen by any other browser.



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