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Re: Are Martin and Sam's platforms equivalent?

* Jose Miguel Parrella <bureado@debian.org> [2019-03-26 15:30]:
> Martin, do you really see "lot of parallels" with Sam's platform?

My platform contains two major topics: 1) creating a more healthy
commercial ecosystem around Debian and 2) changing the culture.

While Sam doesn't mention 1), I do see a lot of parallels regarding 2).

> Sam's platform is all about innovative people mechanics.
> I get that no one wants to run for DPL on a platform of "let's get rid
> of the DPL" but Sam says he doesn't "see significant changes in
> governance required" while Martin mentions "change" 9 times, including:
> "I think Debian has reached a point where it's important to
> fundamentally rethink how our community operates"

Right, there's probably a difference in how severe Sam and I perceive
the problems to be, but when it comes to culture I think there are
parallels in terms of what needs to change.  That's what I was
referring to in my rebuttal.

> It's also clear there's a different approach to money and resources
> in the two platforms.


Martin Michlmayr

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