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Re: Markup in mail messages

> When this sort of subject comes up (as it does, every so often), I wonder
> why `text/markdown` isn't offered as a mime type for sending emails.

FWIW, last time I tried to send `text/(x-)markdown` messages,
I discovered that many "popular" MUAs do not display those at all (they
treat them as attachments, for example), contrary to what the RFCs say
they SHOULD do.  🙁

So, yes, I encourage you to send more of those, and if your recipients
don't like the result, try and get them to complain to their
MUA's authors (most of those MUAs are of course proprietary and are not
very ... responsive, but that's all we can do).

The stupidest case I bumped into is Github where replying by `plain/text`
email lets you add comments to an issue, but `text/markdown` replies are
simply sent to `/dev/null` even though Markdown is the standard format
they use in the web interface.


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