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Re: How to run automatically a script as soon root login

On Tue, May 14, 2024 at 02:51:17PM +0200, Mario Marietto wrote:
> I've installed the Cloudflare gateway on Debian as a vm because I can't do
> it directly in FreeBSD. But I want to be covered even when I use FreeBSD.
> The script that I wrote forward the Cloudflare "VPN" from Debian to
> FreeBSD,so from outside my IP will be cloudFlared.

Disclaimer: I know nothing about Cloudflare.

So you wrote a bash script.  I will assume this script does what you
want it to.  You type its name to run it, or you have it set up to run
at boot time, or you have it set up to run at login time, or via a
cron job, or via a DHCP dhclient enter/exit hook....

Where does the GOTO come in?  Do you think your script does something
internally which mimics a GOTO in some way?  Or that it *should* do that?

Why would you need a GOTO to do whatever networking configuration steps
the script does?  Lacking any knowledge of Cloudflare, I'm imagining
that the script simply performs a sequence of commands, in a linear order,
without any branching or looping or jumping around.

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