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Re: How to run automatically a script as soon root login

Nobody has yet applauded this glorious implementation
of the 1960s GOTO statement in *Bash*?!

* Mario Marietto <marietto2008@gmail.com> [24-05/13=Mo 13:37 +0200]:
> function jumpto
> {
>         label=$1
>         cmd=$(sed -n "/$label:/{:a;n;p;ba};" $0 | grep -v ':$')
>         eval "$cmd"
>         exit
> }

Anyway, Marietto, you've got two typi:

> mid :
That should be "mid:".

> jump foo
That should be "jumpto foo".

Once you've got your root-login script working, I hope you
move on to implementing a complete open-source PL/I compiler.

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