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Re: tsclient

On 08/13/2012 08:26 PM, John A. Sullivan III wrote:
> On Mon, 2012-08-13 at 19:39 -0400, Worrier Poet wrote:
>> On 08/13/2012 04:19 PM, John A. Sullivan III wrote:
>>> On Mon, 2012-08-13 at 08:23 -0400, Worrier Poet wrote: 
>>>> On 08/13/2012 04:19 AM, lina wrote:
>>>> <snip>>>
>>>>>> "tsclient has been unmaintained upstream for a long time.
>>>>>> We have kept it because we lacked a client for RDP, but
>>>>>> now that grdc is in the archive, which is maintained and
>>>>>> much better than tsclient, it can be removed."
>>>>> Thank you. I failed to find this bug report.
>>>>> Now I switched to the remina, it's quite good.
>>>>>> Mentioned as another alternative later in that bug report is remmina.
>>>>>> (grdc is now a dummy package in squeeze that depends on remmina)
>>>>> Thanks with best regards,
>>>> I have used remmina for some time on Wheezy / Xfce but have periodically
>>>> run into client session crashes when using it for admin chores on
>>>> Windows domains. The application also has some minor general interface
>>>> usability issues under Xfce (4.8) when using all but 3 or 4 of the
>>>> available appearance themes, but I suspect those glitches may not occur
>>>> under Gnome.
>>>> If you should run into these or other problems with remmina, you might
>>>> consider using rdesktop from the repositories. This is a much simpler
>>>> remote desktop client used from within a terminal emulator and is rock
>>>> solid. It may have issues with upstream maintenance. I remember that
>>>> some time ago it was temporarily removed from the testing repositories.
>>>> Not quite sure of its status in re to that now, but it is back in the
>>>> repositories.
>>>> Just thought you should know of the alternative if you have problems
>>>> with remmina.
>>>> Good fortune to you!
>>>> the worrier
>>> Is rdesktop still using RDP5? We had previously gone to xfreerdp as it
>>> supported RDP6 and the performance difference on a WAN/Internet
>>> connection was stunningly better.  We had heard Remmina was using
>>> xfreerdp but, when we tried it, it was not only highly unstable but the
>>> performance was clearly that of RDP5.  That was many months ago and I do
>>> not know what has changed since - John
>> I'm afraid rdesktop is still stuck at RDP5, and I'm not sure it will
>> ever go beyond that. It might require an extensive re-write to
>> accomplish later RDP version support. It has had a spotty support
>> history for some time -- if I understand correctly.
>> However, rdesktop is so much superior in reliability and performance to
>> remmina that I use it most of the time in preference over the more
>> advanced package. My understanding is that, when advancements in freerdp
>> include the varied features of RDP 6 and 7, remmina will also have those
>> features. However, remmina will have to stop losing its client sessions
>> at inopportune times before I will use it on a regular basis.
> Agreed, that's why we use xfreerdp instead of rdesktop.  I thought
> Remmina also used xfreerdp but I may be mistaken - John

I'm pretty sure that remmina is using RDP6 in some form. It seems to me
that you can be using RDP6 but not have access to all of the features,
depending on how they're mapped between the client and the host. I think
Microsoft's own documentation on the versions indicates this.

In the meantime I use remmina when I have to, rdesktop the rest of the
time. I've made it a personal policy to use only packages out of the
testing repositories. Since I'm using testing for my main admin systems
(probably a nutty thing to do) I don't want to confound my simple brain
by complicating the matter.

Good fortune to you!
the worrier

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