debian-user Aug 2008 by thread
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Differences in PCI boards... Mike Fontenot
dovecot help? I Rattan
Gnome desktop: mouse suddenly won't move to left screen Andrew Perrin
Test (was: Re: getting copies of own posted messages; was: Re: ??: Stunned by aptitude.) Barclay, Daniel
Test2 (was: Re: getting copies of own posted messages; was: Re: ??: Stunned by aptitude.) Barclay, Daniel
NVidia - blanking problems Rob Gom
Fwd: ssh-keygen Rod James Bio
programs using the /proc interface are broken. Chris Bannister
Ram upgrade causes kernel panic Alexander Fortin
Keyboard suddenly stops responding Mitja Podreka
Xorg video intel darren naidoo
mount remote file system Jos Collin
Toshiba satellite L40 darren naidoo
amd64 package on i386 edu gargiulo
audacity mess-mate
PIDGIN Rod James Bio
[OT] VMware-server-1.0.6-91891 + linux-image-2.6.26-1-686 Hugo Vanwoerkom
sid: KDE desktop unlock fails Bruno Voigt
[debian-user] Re: Wikipedia Ted Hilts
[OFF] TMDA Márcio Luciano Donada
screen resolution Ed Sutter
nvidia 173 or 177 for etch? Dexter Filmore
Off subject question. Account for Debian group mail
Adding more lib in /emul/ia32-linux Mathieu Malaterre
aptitude segfault on UML Randall Smith
Ndiswrapper not work... Дмитрий Ульяненок
Ndiswrapper not working in Lenny Дмитрий Ульяненок
aptitude purge Tammo Schuelke
Send email on calls to su Sam Kuper
interface for tar Mag Gam
iptables file locations question GI_Mike - Herman von Mandel
Install git package on Debian, could not run git hce
StartUp Rod James Bio
pylibacl Juan Asensio Sánchez
Errors DirMngr Zaki Akhmad
No internal mic on the dell XPS M1330 laptop Sjoerd Hardeman
WebMail Interface Rod James Bio
Problems with pppoe - sendPacket: send: Network is down jules . trombone
Connecting two computers using an ethernet cable Rick Morneau
proftpd issue Bogdan
standard libraries André Timpanaro
trying to get tyan s2895 audio working --tyan support does not like Michael Habashy
Ugly java applet fonts Rob Gom
no network connection Ed Sutter
automounting in xfce John O Laoi
apt-get (debconf) throws strange errors while upgrading libpam0g Debian lenny package rainmailbox2001-ola
A viable mutt Steve Lamb
Which C++ STL manual package in Debian hce
Which USB stick for Debian root filesystem rainmailbox2001-ola
Re: apt-get (debconf) throws strange errors while upgradinglibpam0g Debian lenny package rainmailbox2001-ola
unsubcribe Ashwin Joy
Re: unsubcribe simon
Migrate: Windows AD --> Linux janskey
Race Conditions between initramfs interface scripts and network file mounts in Debian Etch? Matthew Macdonald-Wallace
The minimum running X abdelkader belahcene
Very slow install Nishita Desai
Turning off touchpad "scroll" Curt Howland
where are properties of X ? abdelkader belahcene
Iceape (mozilla browser) Bookmarks list does not scroll during drag drop H.S.
Which --delete* to Use in 'rsync' Kenneth Jacker
Icons on Gnome desktop andy
Increasing screen resolution andy
RE: What to do about SSH brute force attempts? Tammo Schuelke
Canada dictionary in OOo in Debian? H.S.
compatibility Kenn Bannerman
emacs not installable Nishita Desai
Network Bandwitch incremental and less Enrico Farabollini
Dual-Layer DVD+R under Gnome? Todd A. Jacobs
[slightly OT] modifying Emacs html helper mode gary turner
epson R380 printer Paul Cartwright
debian sound and audio drivers. - explained - please ??? Michael Habashy
udev and kernel (testing) Glenn Becker
Traffic Mirroring for Debugging Volkan YAZICI
F/OSS Repository Zaki Akhmad
ATMAIL Rod James Bio
After upgrade, FCKeditor no longer working in moinmoin 1.7.1 Peter Van Biesen
"cannot open display: :0.0" error when using schroot Aniruddha
Lenny users: attn about Gnome/libxml2 breakage Christian Jaeger
Replication datas in cluster Faria
Debian marketing team Andreas Schuldei
libjpeg6b-6 source Ashish Yadav
instant drawing of virtual terminal hasan ali
Unannounced kernel update today? (etch) nate
Nautilus fails to manage desktop Todd A. Jacobs
/bin/hostname on Debian Vwaju
Migrate from AMD64 to i386 Joris Dobbelsteen
IP Forward on Testing Zaki Akhmad
GA-MA790FX-DS5 SATA ahci problem on Jmicron JMB363 kernel 2.6.25-2 Lenny Sergey Spiridonov
need help with cc raman narasimhan
JNXT settings? Todd A. Jacobs
libxml2 security update PauL Lane
Problem scrolling back in runlevel 2. Etch netinst Nigel Henry
Problem with a netopia switch Shams Fantar
panasonic dmc-tz3 problems Daniel Harris
How to recover email? Thomas H. George
Dist-Upgrade Problem David L. Craig
Samba and filenames problem Vit
Solving sudoku with aptitude Raj Kiran Grandhi
nvidia twinview broken Ritesh Raj Sarraf
emacs keyboard macro converted to function Misko
Command-line-interface (CLI) calculator to work out the difference between 2 dates j t
machine doesnt appear in dhcp leases, resolve issues. Dexter Filmore
ndiswrapper kernel module, precompiled version in testing? Paul Dufresne
The last update was on 07:26 GMT Tue May 19. There are 2401 messages. Page 4 of 5.
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