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Anyone successful with Sun's Java 1.3.1_01?


After having my fill of pop-ups in galeon & mozilla stating I have no java plug-in I tried to get said plug-in.

First, Netscapes accursed site, where the plug-in is, doesn't like galeon or mozilla. Usually I couldn't get it to start the download and if it did start after unpacking I got an error with no explanation.

Next, I tried Sun's site and would get stuck in a loop of page reloads after answering their license question.  I finally was able to ftp the whole Sun Java SDK 1.3.1_01.  After unpacking into /usr/lib/jdk1.3.1_01 I changed the alternatives for jre, java, javakey and jar to use the new stuff.  I also copied the java plug-in from /usr/lib/jdk1.3.1_01/jre/plugins to the mozilla plugin dir.

Both mozilla and galeon crash rendering sites with java.  I can open the javascript terminal in galeon.  Trying to open galeon's java terminal crashes it instantly, no error messages, the browser closes itself.  I can run java from an xterm but don't have any test program's for it.

Does anyone have any clues on how I can debug this further?


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