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Galeon and java (was: Re: Anyone successful with Sun's Java 1.3.1_01?)

  I think Scott was asking about the Java plugin for Galeon that runs
  application/x-java-vm types. I wasn't successful in downloading the
  plug-in either due to Galeon javascript bugs. Worse,
  http://home.netscape.com/plugins/jvm.html is broken even with
  Netscape due to bugs on the Netscape site.

  Here's a page with Java:


  Can any of you galeonites view this, and if so how?

  Scott, as DvB mentioned, you can get the j2sdk1.3 package which
  includes the Java Plug-in which runs application/x-java-applet
  pages. I found I had to do this to get it to work with Galeon:

  ln -s /etc/alternatives/javaplugin.so /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/javaplugin.so

  Indeed, this is what I do in general to install plugins into Galeon.

  Question: Does this plugin handle application/x-java-vm types, and
  if so, how?

Bill Wohler <wohler@newt.com>  http://www.newt.com/wohler/  GnuPG ID:610BD9AD
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