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Re: Anyone successful with Sun's Java 1.3.1_01?

scott worley <folokai@earthlink.net> writes:

> Hi,
> After having my fill of pop-ups in galeon & mozilla stating I have no
> java plug-in I tried to get said plug-in.


> Does anyone have any clues on how I can debug this further?

First off, please wrap your lines at 72 characters...

Regarding your problem, have you tried installing the unofficial debs? I
haven't had any trouble with java under mozilla since I installed them
(had quite a bit of trouble with xpi files from ftp.netscape.com).
Add one of the following lines to your sources.list and off you go:

deb ftp://metalab.unc.edu/pub/linux/devel/lang/java/blackdown.org/debian
woody non-free


deb ftp://ftp.oleane.net/pub/java-linux/debian woody non-free

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