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Re: [META] Use of the list for non-Debian matters

Although the creation of a 'Debian-guru' list would have the same
effect as creating a 'Debian-newbie' list.  Everybody would ask their
questions on the guru list since
	a.  All the gurus would be reading it (obviously)
	b.  None of the gurus would bother reading the regular list
	anymore (or at least not in any detail)
	c.  Everybody thinks their question is really difficult and needs
	a guru to answer it.


On Jun 10,  7:38am, John Foster wrote:
} Subject: Re: [META] Use of the list for non-Debian matters
| On Mon, 9 Jun 1997, Randy Edwards wrote:
| >    If it's decided to tighten things up, the powers that be should give
| > thought to a Debian-specific newbie list if this list isn't going to
| > support that function.
| If there is to be a new list, then perhaps a "Debian-Guru" list would
| be more appropriate.
}-- End of excerpt from John Foster

               Max Stevens   jomstevens@uwaterloo.ca
          Max is a sagittarius but Max's family owns a taurus.
                  This is the dichotomy that is Max.

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